Monday, October 15, 2007

I Suck

Yeah, its been like 3 weeks since I wrote anything up here.
Since I wrote last we've returned home from visiting Cisco, Kelly, Amanda, Alex, and Cooper in Texas, and it became Autumn.
The temperature today was in the 60's! I love this time of year, although it'll probably only last about a week before snowing or something stupid like that.
My mom took some great pictures of Mollie last weekend, and lets face it - if anyone's reading this its for pictures of Mollie - not anything I have to say. Check these.....

In related news, Mollie is getting quite the robust little vocabulary on her now. There's not much she doesn't understand, and she can tell you about anything thats on her mind. That doesn't mean that we can understand her all of the time, but that's a different story.

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