Friday, September 28, 2007

The True Story of Grandma-Kitty

The Grandma Cat

Due to public outcry (that’s you, Neil), there’s the story about the “Grandma Kitten”.

In 2004, my grandfather was fighting a loosing battle with cancer. Not long before he passed away at home in May, a little white kitten showed up at the house. It was a stark-white male who had a strange infatuation with my grandmother, so we of course decided that it was the reincarnation of my grandfather – just a little early.

Three years later, “Dad-Cat” is still there and ruling the roost.

Since Grandpa’s death, my grandma has been steadily deteriorating with Alzheimer’s disease. At this point her mind is pretty well gone, but, you know how Alzheimer’s can go.

Anywho, about a month ago another kitten showed up. This one was a cute little calico female. So, of course we decided that maybe this little kitten was really a pre-reincarnation of my grandmother – (before you decide that we’re absolute ghouls, I should point out the fact that she’s in such horrible shape right now mentally and physically, passing on would be the best thing for her. Her mind is long outliving her body. Alzheimer’s sucks bad.).

Apparently “Grandpa-Cat” decided early on that new “Grandma-Cat” was such a threat to his domain that he has attacked her on every possible occasion. After one of the last attacks, he injured her to the point that there was an infected half-golf ball sized puss-filled boyle on her side. Before issuing “farm sympathy” on the poor kitten my mom and I decided to hold her down and smear some antibiotic cream on her. That night Stacie, Mollie and I went home, and the next morning the kitten was on our back porch.

I applied a little more antibiotic cream and some hydrocortisone cream a couple more times, and as of last weekend the wound was healed and my “kitty Grandma was living happily on my back porch.

There’s the story.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mollie And Her Animal Obsession

Well, I'll just come out and say it. Mollie has an animal fascination. It all started with an innocent "moo" several months ago, and now her vocabulary has been overtaken with random "neigh" "oink" "peep" "arf" and "quack" sounds.
for Halloween she's going as a horse. The horse costume has a speaker with the horse sound and I'm here to tell ya, thats the coolest thing ever. Check out the video.

In kinda related news, we have a new little kitten that followed us home from Cabool. Its a porch kitty - not indoor. I'll spare the entire theory about how this little kitten is likely the reincarnation of my still-alive grandmother. I'll also spare you the story about the horrific wound on its side and the crude doctoring my mom and I did. Let's just say its a cute little cat with a lot of spunk to hitch a ride from Cabool to Springfield without us even knowing about it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Water Water Everywhere - Hey, a Fountain!

Tonight we went to Jordan Valley Park to see Big Smith Play. For those of you who aren't blessed with the love of rockabilly hickadelic- jazzgrazz, visit Good Stuff.
Anyhow, they have all sorts of fountains in an artsy rendition of an Ozark Stream. Big fun to play in.

Welcome to Our Family's Website

We hope that you like it here. Mollie is working on making this place more friendly and putting more content in here all the time. She's actually working with the moving company right now to get us moved in. She's a little bossy, but thats ok - she knows what she wants and where she wants it.